Caloundra, Sunshine Coast

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Flights 7 days per week
7.30am - 3.30pm

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Admin hrs:
9am-1pm Mon-Sun
Phone: 07 5341 8125

Between 2-5pm, pls text:

Colin upside down

Colin Appleton
Flight and aerobatics Instructor

Colin is one of Australia’s most experienced aerobatics instructors. He is the Chief Flying Instructor and co-owner of the Sunshine Coast Flying School. He holds a CASA Part 61 Instructor Rating, with Flight Activity (FA) and Design Feature (DF) Training Endorsements and specialises in teaching Advanced Aircraft Handling Skills, Aerobatics,Competition Aerobatics, Spin Recovery and Emergency Manoeuvre (EMT) training. Over the last few years Colin has trained and coached more State and National Aerobatics Champions than any other instructor or flying school in QLD. He is also a highly skilled and experienced RAAus CFI and Senior Instructor.

Likes a chat

Outside of flying and instructing, Colin loves to chat over a cold beer or glass of good red wine, especially when his students are buying!


Colin has a wife and two adult sons - who are both pilots!


His hobbies include sailing and downhill skiing.