Caloundra, Sunshine Coast

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7.30am - 3.30pm

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9am-1pm Mon-Sun
Phone: 07 5341 8125

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Marcel Turner

I’m an electrical engineer and have spent most of my career in the mining industry. I’m married with two kids and have lived on the Sunny Coast for 20 years. I’ve always had a love of aviation since I was a kid, building model airplanes and flying radio controlled aircraft. When I was in Scouts, and later Air Force Cadets, I had the opportunity to fly in some light aircraft and this really ignited my passion for flying.


Besides flying, I love the outdoors. I enjoy boating, fishing, crabbing, camping and hiking. I’ve recently started kite-surfing but so far I’m terrible at it, but enjoying the challenge. When I’m not flying or outdoors I’m either with my family, catching up with friends, tinkering with something, or drinking something cold.


I first started flying in 2000 in Mackay. However, life got very busy: two kids, a mortgage, running a business and being a Scout leader all kept me away from flying for many years. In 2020 I visited GoFly and started flying again. In 2021 I bought a Sling TSi and in 2022 flew it around Australia. I love learning everything I can about aviation am currently studying for my Instrument Rating. A lot of people have helped me during my aviation journey, so I decided to become an instructor to help other people achieve their dream of ‘learning to fly’.