Caloundra, Sunshine Coast

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7.30am - 3.30pm

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Travis Walker

Aviation has been a huge part of who I am. I grew up surrounded by people who loved aviation. My Dad is a pilot, so naturally I have been his wingman from a young age. Flying has always been a huge passion for me and I have always known that will be my pathway in life.


In my younger days, before I could get into a pilot seat, I flew radio-controlled aircraft, which lead to competing in competitions in south-east QLD, putting on displays at events and becoming QLD state champion twice, as well as the best radio-control freestyle aerobatics pilot in south-east QLD.


Following this, it was time to get into a real aircraft. I completed my Recreational Pilot Certificate, navigation and passenger endorsements, then my RPL. After building up the required command time and undergoing training, I have now proudly completed my RAAus Instructor Rating. My Aerobatic endorsement is next on the list. I'm very excited to share my passion for aviation by mentoring others as an instructor.