Caloundra, Sunshine Coast

Email is our preferred method of contact:

Flights 7 days per week
7.30am - 3.30pm

Buy gift vouchers or subscribe to our online videos 24 hrs per day

Admin hrs:
9am-2pm Mon-Sun
Phone: 07 5341 8125

Between 3-6pm, pls text:


Our student resources page provides the aviation community and students with quick shortcuts to the most common resources for becoming a pilot.

RAA Regulations

Recreational Aviation Australia governs Recreational Aviation in Australia. A Recreational Pilot Certificate is the first step on the path to your dream of flying. You can find out all about RAA as well as other valuable information.

CASA Regulations

CASA governs General Aviation in Australia. CASA provides the majority of information for your aviation requirements. 

Aviation Supplies

We recommend The Flight Store for all your aviation needs. They provide a great range and service.

Weather Forecast

Prior to any flight being conducted it is a requirement to review the local weather and the destination weather.

Visit AirServices for your latest NAIPS report as well as much more.

View the latest forecast from your local area.

Find our what the weather is like at Caloundra or the airport you wish to fly into or at, by checking the onsite weather cam 

GoFly Student Resources

Common Student Resources for GoFly Aviation.

Air Services provides Aeronautical Information packages including an ERSA (En Route Supplement Australia).

Click Here

 Radio Calls for Sunshine Coast Airport 

2021 NAVIGATION planning sheets with clearoff – Sheet1 (1)

You can start your nav planning at home by printing one of these sheets

GoFly Aviation Sling 2 Workbook (v.5.1 April 2024).docx 

Download a copy of the Sling 2 workbook here and save to your laptop or print a copy for studying. You can then either print and complete the answer sheet at home and bring it in for marking by an instructor, or do the test at our hangar using an answer sheet which we have printed off. It is compulsory to do the Sling workbook test before going solo and the results must be added to your student record sheet in Flight Schedule Pro.

Sling_Checklist for folders

This checklist is specific to GoFly Caloundra aircraft

At GoFly all exams are free to take, and you can take them again if you do not pass (a pass is a grade of 80% or higher). GoFly students with PREMIUM access to GoFly Online, will also be able to access our interactive Easy Books which will save students hundreds of dollars as they no longer need to buy any text books. 

These are the names of the four exams you will need to take and the order in which they will most likely be taken:

  1. Pre-solo Air Legislation
  2. Radio
  3. Air Legislation
  4. Basic Aeronautical Knowledge

You can find the four Easy Books here, and they cover the following topics:

  1. Pre-solo & Air Legislation
  2. Radio Operations
  3. Basic Aeronautical Knowledge
  4. Human Factors (there are human factors questions spread throughout all four exams)

Exams 1 + 2: Pre-Solo and Radio Operations

We would recommend you sit the Pre-Solo and Radio exams after completing the first couple of circuit sessions so you’re ready for your first solo flight!  The pass mark is 80%.


You should read the online Pre-solo & Air Legislation Easy Book plus the Human Factors Easy Book before your pre-solo exam.

You should read the Radio Operations Easy Book before your radio exam. To complement your Easy Books, there are theory practice exams on your GoFly Online website to help you with your Pre-solo and Radio exams.





Please revise this content for the Pre-Solo and the Air Legislation exams: 

(1) The Visual Flight Rules Guide (VFRG) which is accessed via download the CASA website: Amongst other topics, please make sure you are familiar with the following – VMC requirements, Light Signals and Rules for prevention of collision.    

There are several ways to get a copy of the VFRG guide:

  1. You can download an interactive version to use via your tablets
  2. download a print friendly PDF copy
  3. buy a copy from our Online Store
  4. RA-Aus Operations Manual 


(2) Here are the GoFly Online Easy Books for Pre Solo and Air Legislation can be found here 


(3) Please also look at this link which will help with the Radio exam.


Exam 3: Air Legislation + Exam 4Basic Aeronautical Knowledge 

You will need to sit the Air Legislation and then the Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) exams after logging around 2-3 hours of solo time. The pass mark is 80%. 

Read the Human Factors and the Air Legislation Easy Books for the Air Legislation Exam.

Read the Human Factors and BAK Easy Books, for the BAK exam.

To complement your Easy Books, there are theory practice exams on your GoFly Online website to help you with your Air Leg and BAK exams.


If you need clarification about any answers, your instructor will be able to help you.


You can download and print this PDF to help you learn the aviation alphabet