Caloundra, Sunshine Coast

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Flights 7 days per week
7.30am - 3.30pm

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Admin hrs:
9am-1pm Mon-Sun
Phone: 07 5341 8125

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Become the best pilot you can be!

Do you want to be the best and safest pilot you can be? At GoFly Aviation we want to create the best and safest pilots on the planet. We do this by offering the best instructors, the best aircraft, the best technology and the best training to help you become the best pilot you can be.

After students have completed their Recreational Pilot Certificate and Cross Country training, we recommend students complete either a basic ‘Upset recovery’ training course or a ‘Basic Aerobatic’ course. Not only will completing an aerobatics course make you a better pilot but it is a lot of fun! After completing the course you will be able to hire the Robin aircraft to do more aerobatics flying on your own.

Whether you are flying for fun or a career, aerobatic flying will increase your confidence and make you a better pilot. We offer both part-time and full-time aerobatic courses and can create a course to suit your schedule.

GoFly Aerobatic Courses

  • Upset recovery training course (3hrs), including all flights briefings and notes. For prices and more information CLICK HERE
  • Spin training course (3hrs), including all flights briefings and notes. For pricing click here
  • Basic Aerobatic RPL course (10 hrs), including all flying briefings and notes. Learn the basics of aerobatics, spins, loops and rolls. This course is a fantastic introduction to the joys of basic aerobatic course. For pricing, click here.

To book your aerobatics course, call 0426 282 226 or email with your preferred days and times. Please note all training is competency-based and course costs are estimates for average student completion times.

Aircraft & Pricing

Robin aerobatic trainer

Robin 2160

All ‘unusual attitude’ upset recovery training and the Basic Aerobatic courses will be conducted in the Robin 2160 aerobatic trainer. The Robin is a low-wing tricycle undercarriage aerobatic trainer. We believe low-wing aircraft are the best trainers for aerobatics due to the increased visibility that a low-wing aircraft provides. For Dual hire rate, Private hire rates and Long Pre-flight Briefing prices, click here


Your Aerobatics Instructor

Colin Appleton is one of Australia’s most experienced aerobatics instructors.  He holds a CASA Part 61 Instructor Rating, with Flight Activity and Design Feature Training Endorsements and specialises in teaching Basic Aerobatics, Competition Aerobatics, Spin Recovery and Emergency Manoeuvre (EMT) training. Over the last few years Colin has trained more State and National Aerobatics Champions than anyone else in Queensland.  He is also a highly skilled and experienced Recreational Aviation Australia (RAA) CFI and Senior Instructor.

Flight training is conducted by the Sunshine Coast Flying School in partnership with GoFly Group.

Aerobatics Gift Vouchers

If you know an adrenaline junkie, give them one of our thrill-seeker Gift Vouchers.