Caloundra, Sunshine Coast

Email is our preferred method of contact:

Flights 7 days per week
7.30am - 3.30pm

Buy gift vouchers or subscribe to our online videos 24 hrs per day

Admin hrs:
9am-1pm Mon-Sun
Phone: 07 5341 8125

Between 2-5pm, pls text:


FOR NEW STUDENTS: Firstly, congratulations on your decision to learn something new. Learning something new takes us out of our comfort zone, and requires us to put aside our ego and be vulnerable. Every pilot and instructor was a new student at one point and started off not knowing much at all about flying or planes. You don’t need to feel nervous. Our staff and instructors are super friendly and often quite funny (or at least they think so) and they will put you at ease straight away. 

FREE TOUR: You may like to book a FREE 15 minute appointment with a staff member who will show you around our facilities, our fleet and answer any of your questions. You can book a free appointment by completing our booking form, by emailing us at or by calling 07 5341 8125.

Once you have touched base with our reception staff or an instructor, and decided to enrol, we will collect some details from you and send a welcome email with plenty of info in it. We will create a flight record sheet for you in our Flight Schedule Pro booking system which we also use to track and grade your progress. We will send you an invitation to access it, so you can make, edit or cancel your own bookings.

The video below shows how our two-hour lessons are divided up (30 min pre-flight, 60 min flight and 30 min post-flight lesson grading and chat). All our lessons are one-on-one with just you and your instructor in the classroom or in the plane. 


If you just wish to be able to take occasional flights with friends over our wonderful coastline, all you need is a Recreational Pilot Certificate with your Passenger endorsement. If you wish to take shorts trips with friends to other towns and airports, you will need your Cross Country endorsement.  If you want to fly with 1 passenger, you will need your passenger endorsement. if you want to fly with up to 3 other passengers, you will need your Recreational pilot Licence. If you wish to be paid to fly people or freight, you will need a Commercial Pilot Licence. if you wish to teach others to fly, you will need your Instructor Rating.

At GoFly, we can help you with your:

1. Recreational Pilot Certificate (RPC)

2. Passenger Endorsement (Pax)

3. Cross Country Navigation (Nav)

4. Recreational or Private Pilot Licence (RPL/PPL)

5. Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL)

6 RAAus Instructor Rating

At GoFly we want to offer you the best experience and best value for flight training in Australia, whether you are flying for fun or for a career. Unlike other schools, GoFly Aviation does not charge for pre-flight briefings or exam marking and we do not have club membership or landing fees. These hidden costs at other flight schools can increase your hourly rate by up to $60 per flight hour. Our hourly rate includes all briefings, exams,  plus of course, a free 2 year Premium subscription to our innovative GoFly Online video lessons, to give you the best flight training possible. 

You do not have to pay in advance. You can simply pay by credit card for the hours you have flown, after your flight.

On the day of your first flight, you should arrive 15 mins before your scheduled time and let the person at reception know you are here and that you need to complete your temporary RAA membership (to cover your insurance for your first 3 lessons). If you haven’t already had an orientation, ask our receptionist to show you where the kitchen and toilets are located. Then you can grab a chair and place your bag in one of the pigeonholes where it will be safe during your flight. Your instructor will greet you, ask you whether you have watched our first video lesson, give you some ground training, then take you out to the tarmac and show you how to pre-flight and fuel the plane before your first lesson.  

After your 60 minute flight, you will sit with the instructor while they give feedback, answer any questions you may have and make notes about the lesson on your flight record sheet .  You can write up your flight in your Pilot Log Book. If you start on our Introductory Package you will receive a FREE log book and cap before your 4th flight. You can then pay for your flight and book your next flight if you have not already booked a regular slot in advance (recommended). 

If you are still unsure about learning to fly with us, why not book in for a FREE 15 min chat with an instructor to help you determine if becoming a pilot is right for you, and to answer any questions you have. You can book your obligation-free appointment by clicking here or call us on 07 5341 8125.

Step 1. Recreational Pilot Certificate

Before each lesson students should watch the relevant  briefings on their GoFly Online platform.

All our pilot training begins with a Recreational Pilot Certificate. Students can start learning at any age but cannot go solo until they are 15 years of age, so 14 is a good time to start learning if you are a teenager.

Lesson 1: Flight prep, ground handling, radio equipment and procedures

An introduction into the basics of the aircraft and flight training.

Lesson 2: Effects of Control

Teaches you the primary and secondary effects of the controls and how they affect the aircraft.

Lesson 3: Straight and Level

Teaches you how to fly the aircraft straight and level and at varying air speeds.

Lesson 4: Climbing and Descending

Teaches you how to climb and descend the aircraft at varying speeds and varying rates of climb and rates of descent

Lesson 5: Turning

Teaches you how to turn the aircraft at varying angles of bank at a constant height and climbing and descending turns

Lesson 6: Consolidation of all sequences learnt so far

this lesson is a summary that all you have learnt so far

Lesson 7: Stalls

Teaches you how to recognise the impending stall and to recover with a minimum loss of height

Lesson 8 to 14: circuits and circuit emergencies

Learn how to take off and land and fly a predetermined circuit in the sky. These lessons bring together everything you have already been taught us you will learn to use the radio and we will prepare you for your first solo flight. [You must have passed your Pre-solo and Radio exams by now.]

Lesson 10 to 18: Your first solo flight (estimate only) 

Once you have demonstrated that you are capable and consistent, your instructor will allow you undertake one solo take-off and landing on your own. You will never forget this lesson!

Lesson 14 to 18: More solo circuits

You will fly a predetermined circuit in the sky, practicing all you have learnt. [You will need to take your Air Legislation and Basic Aeronautical Knowledge (BAK) Exam around this time.]

Lesson 15: Cross-wind circuits

Learn to take off and land in gusty and cross-wind conditions

Lesson 16: Training area familiarisation and practice forced landings

Learn the procedures for departing and arriving at any aerodrome and how to handle an emergency in the training area.

Lesson 17 to 20: More solo practice

Lesson 18 to 19: Pre-flight test and revision

You will undertake your pre-flight test and revision of all sequences and advanced emergencies. This lesson is a revision of all you have learnt plus the addition of other emergencies you may encounter.

Lesson 20: More solo or Flight test check

After a flight test check you will proceed to your Flight Test. If you pass your flight test you will obtain your Recreational Pilot Certificate. If you fail (and many people do at the first attempt), you can redo the flight test whenever you are ready.


Your Pilot Certificate allows you to fly a 2-seater recreational light sport aircraft within 25 nautical miles of the aerodrome in day visual flight rule (VFR) conditions. If you are fit enough to drive a vehicle you are fit enough to fly a Recreational Aircraft. 

Disclaimer: all training at GoFly is based on competency of the pilot and not on hours of tuition. A student will only receive their certificate if they have passed all exams and tests and the Instructor deems their flying to be satisfactory

RAAus Membership and materials

During your RPC training you will need to do and buy the following things:

During Lessons 1 to 3: Apply online to RAAus to obtain your Recreational Student Pilot Membership at a cost of around $250 (youth) or $365 (adult) for 12 months. GoFly students will receive 12 months FREE access to our  GoFly Online video lessons to assist with flight training and revision. You can watch the informative videos at any time, on any device and new lessons and GoFly Fix videos are added each fortnight.

During Lessons 3 to 6:  Purchase your logbook online, or get one for FREE as part of the Intro Package.

During Lessons 4 to 8: Start studying: Rules of the AirAerodrome Markings from the Visual Flight GuideVisual requirements for VFR Flight, Learn your Radio Calls. Also study the requirements for the issuing of a Pilot Certificate at section 2.07 of the RAA Operations Manual.

 As part of your free subscription to our GoFly Online flight training platform, we provide you with a comprehensive online RPC theory book (containing chapters on Pre-solo and Air Legislation, Basic Aeronautical Knowledge, Human Factors, Radio Operations) for getting ready for your multiple choice exams (saving you over $400 on text books). We also provide you with hundreds of quiz questions to help you practice for those 4 exams.

Lesson 10: Around lesson 10 you will sit your first multiple choice exam Start studying your online theory book.

Lesson 14: Sit Air Legislation Exam. Start studying your online BAK and Human Factors easy books

Lesson 16: Sit BAK exam.

APPROXIMATE TIME: 3 weeks full-time (2 lessons per day for 6 days per week), or approx 7 weekends part-time, or fly casually whenever you can afford to.

APPROXIMATE COST THROUGH GOFLY AVIATION: between $9,376 – $11,250 (between 25-30 hours flying @$375/hr) plus RAAus membership. All training is competency-based and all course costs are estimates for average student completion times. Average time to RPC is about 30 hours. 

Step 2. Passenger Endorsement

You can do your Passenger endorsement after your RPC or you can choose to go straight to your navigation training. A passenger endorsement enables you to fly with one passenger. You can watch the full Passenger Endorsement video at GoFly Online

To undertake your passenger endorsement you must have:

  • completed your Recreational Pilot Certificate
  • a minimum total of 10 hours of solo command time (5 more in addition to the 5hrs done during your RPC)
  • a 30 min briefing with a senior instructor and a 30 minute dual flight with an instructor to ensure sure you understand the privileges and limitations of flying with a passenger.

APPROXIMATE TIME: 10 hours of command time plus 30 mins each for the talk and the check flight.

APPROXIMATE COST THROUGH GOFLY AVIATION: 5 hours of your own command time (5 x $240/hr=$1,200) + a half hour passenger check flight at $365/hr = $182.50

Step 3. Cross Country Endorsement

GoFly students will have access to our Cross Country Endorsement videos on GoFly Online and they are also available to others who wish to subscribe to them.  A cross country endorsement enables the pilot to fly anywhere in Australia outside of controlled or restricted areas.  Before you do your flight test, you must have:

  • minimum of 15 hours of flight training (including 2 as pilot in command during your solo nav flight and 2 during your nav flight review)
  • 10 hours of instructor ground briefings (plus watch your navigation videos on GoFly Online)

Your navigation multiple choice exam must be passed before your first solo navigation lesson.

The lessons consist of:


First navigation lesson includes a 2 hour theory lesson on obtaining weather, CTA, basic map reading skills plotting a line and measuring a heading and distance. Also look at aerodrome info and how to join. (Suggestions for a 2 hour nav for GoFly students might be: Caloundra, Kilcoy, Gympie, Montville, Caloundra.) Student to learn how to read a compass, hold height and heading and join an unfamiliar aerodrome. Map reading technique to be introduced.


The student is to revise what has been learnt and briefing is to include accurate time keeping and estimates and completing an accurate flight plan. 60 minute nav to be completed in simulator as part of actual flight. (Suggestions for GoFly students might be: Flight to Watts Bridge. Kingaroy then Caloundra.) Time and distance, Big picture, small picture and time will be the focus, as well as flying above 5000 ft,  rules and leaving SAR note and emergency locator transmitter (ELT)

NAV FLIGHT LESSON 3: FUEL AND REVISION OF GROUND SPEED (accurate fuel log keeping and ‘CLEAROFF’ checks)

Briefing to include fuel calculation and how to revise ground speed in the air with the use of way points and geographical features. 30 minute simulator session to practice. (Suggest: Gympie Maryborough, Caloundra.)



Brief student on low level navigation and diversions. student should be able to divert within 2 minutes and estimate within 60 seconds. (Suggest Toowoomba then divert on return twice.) By this stage the student should be able to obtain weather, flight plan and lodge SAR time by themselves. Diversions should be given during flight and theory exam should be completed.


Send solo in good weather conditions. (Suggestion: Watts Bridge, Kingaroy then Kilcoy then Caloundra.)

NAV FLIGHT TEST: Be able to do accurate flight plan, lodge SARTIME, depart and hold heading plus or minus 50 feet. Identify off track within 4 minutes. Estimates within 1 minute and diversion to be completed immediately if required. Good use of ‘CLEAROFF’  checks and airmanship to a high standard. Good situational awareness and able to maintain visual meteorological conditions at all times. Good use of fuel logs.

APPROXIMATE TIME: 2 weeks if training full time (ie. 3 days per week for 2 weeks with study days in between); or 4-6 weeks if training part time.

APPROXIMATE COST THROUGH GOFLY AVIATION: You will receive 10 hours of briefings for FREE plus access to our online nav theory textbook and our new nav video lessons. There will be a minimum of 15 hours of flying @ $365/hr = around $5,500. There will be a $50 cost for successful flight tests, to cover the preparation and lodgement of paperwork by the CFI. No fee for unsuccessful tests. No fee for marking the exams.

You should buy your own maps and materials – see below. 

Materials required for nav training

The following supplies are ordered online from The Flight Store:

 Plotter protractor for $19.95. Flight computer for $49.95.

VNC MAPS Bundaberg/Rockhampton for $11.95 and Sydney – Brisbane for $11.95.  WAC Chart Brisbane $11.95. ERSA booklet $34.95

student resources

Step 4: Obtaining your Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) or Private Pilot Licence (PPL) and Controlled Airspace conversion

A Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) is the next step in your pilot training, after your RPC. Your RPL conversion enables you to fly a heavier aircraft with more than one passenger, providing you hold a class 2 medical. You do not have to choose between completing a Recreational Pilot Licence (RPL) or a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) as they are actually two milestones on the same journey. So it’s less about which licence you choose, but more about how far you want to go with your flight training. Each licence and endorsement you earn along the way will provide you with different skills and expand your freedom.

An RPL is often the obvious choice when you either want to get a General Aviation licence or fly larger/heavier single-engine planes. Of course larger planes cost more to fly so it can be cheaper to do the bulk of your initial training in cost-effective recreational planes and then convert to RPL planes. 

You can start with RPC and then proceed to RPL/PPL using Recreational Aircraft to minimise your flight training costs. It’s an easy transition and more cost-effective than going direct to your Private Pilot Licence (PPL). It allows you to have both a Recreational and General Aviation licence and fly into Controlled airspace. 

At GoFly we offer RPL/PPL and CPL training on a Cessna 172 aircraft under the Part 141 of Starr Aviation.

Every flight lesson will start with a classroom briefing on the techniques before they’re put into practice. You’ll need to pass some theory exams as well as complete practical flight training. With a Recreational Pilot Licence, you’ll be able to fly as a Pilot in Command of a single engine aircraft up to 1500 kgs.

You will be able to use your Recreational Pilot Certificate and Navigation Endorsement towards this conversion to save you time and money. You will need to apply for an ARN and an ASIC card before you begin your training.  Please see our GoFly Students page for a list of all forms required. The RPC to RPL converting application form then needs to be completed and sent in to CASA and approved before you can start your RPL conversion training.  This form can only be filled out if you have applied for your ASIC card. 

Adding a Controlled Airspace Endorsement allows you to fly into controlled airspace. Adding a Constant Speed Endorsement allows you to fly any aircraft with a constant speed propellor. Adding a Retractable Endorsement allows you to fly any aircraft with retractable landing gear. We follow the Part 61 Syllabus outlined by CASA and extend this with helpful Videos & Books. We currently recommend Bob Tait Theory or the Aviation Theory Centre for study material.

As with most Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) licenses there are more stringent conditions including:

1. Have a current flight review for the aircraft being flown

2. Meet the medical requirements

3. Have conducted three take-offs and landings in the previous 90 days if you wish to carry passengers 

You must be at least 16 years of age, be proficient in English and have 25 command hours flight time. There will be 7-10 hour of dual instruction, 2 hours of circuit work and 2 hours of instrument flying and some ground briefing.

Lesson 1: Intro to the aircraft; understanding weight and balance and understanding constant speed operations and retractable landing gear. First flight consists of upper air work including stalls, practice forced landings and emergency procedures.

Lesson 2: Standard and circuit emergencies

Lesson 3: Standard and emergency circuits

Lesson 4: Basic Instrument flying.

Lesson 5: Controlled airspace briefing and radio practice and flight into Sunshine Coast Aerodrome (Class D airspace)

Lesson 6: Controlled airspace briefing and radio practice and flight into Archerfield (Class D Airport) Aerodrome and transit through Gold Coast controlled airspace (Class C Airspace)

Lesson 7: Revision of controlled airspace and pre-flight test review

Lesson 8: RPL Flight test

You can also add a constant speed propellor endorsement and a retractable landing gear endorsement.

 After completing your RPL, you can continue on to get your Private Pilot Licence (PPL). To upgrade from RPL to PPL all that is required is for you to pass the PPL Theory exam. The PPL training focuses mainly on navigation and will enable you to fly all over Australia and indeed anywhere in the world. During the PPL training, you will learn how to navigate to and from different airports.

Similar to the RPL program, you will need to pass several theory exams as well as complete practical flight training. Further info about the RPL from CASA can be found here: After your RPL/PPL you can go on to study for your Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL). 

Once you have received your Private Pilot Licence, you will be allowed to act as a Pilot in Command and be endorsed. You will be able to carry up to five passengers and fly all over Australia. The benefit is that you end up with a Private Pilot Licence plus GA licence and an RA licence. You can also go on to another school to obtain the following endorsements: Constant Speed Unit, Multi Engine, Night VFR, Undercarriage Rating, IFR Rating.


APPROXIMATE COST OF RPL CONVERSION: Up to 15 hours of flying in a larger aircraft at approx $550/hr plus 8 hours of briefings at $100/hr = $800. CASA Class 1 or 2 Medical approx $300.

Step 5: Obtaining your Commercial Pilot Licence

 There are a number of ways to get your CPL:  

(1) apply for VET-fee funding and go to university and learn aviation theory in the first 18 months and fly during the second year an emerge with $130,000+ debt to pay back once you start earning a wage . 

(2) You can start flying on GA aircraft which are larger and more expensive to fly per hour, either pay as you go with us or with VET-Fee at Caboolture or in Brisbane. 

(3) You can start your journey with a recreational pilot licence, flying in light sport aircraft, which are around $150/hr cheaper to fly,  and do your RPC, Cross Country and Passenger endorsements and as much command time as possible in our light sport aircraft, then either continue on to RPL/PPL with us in a heavier Cessna aircraft, or, apply for a Rex, Qantas or JetStar cadetship (which also incurs a VET-fee debt). You then do more command time plus self study for 7 exams.


  • Recreational Pilot Certificate with cross-country endorsement, or, RPL with cross-country and navigation endorsement
  • Minimum of 100 hours of command of an aircraft
  • Completed all 7 commercial theory subjects and passed the exams
  • Completed 20 to 30 hours of a dual advanced commercial flight instruction course
  • Minimum of 200 hours in total before completing the CPL flight test

Further info about CPL training can be found on the CASA website

APPROXIMATE TIME: from 0 hours through RPC to CPL would be 8-12 monthsEmail us for approx pricing.

RAAus Instructor Rating

Becoming a Certified RAAus Flight Instructor is a great way to share your passion for flying with others.

If you’ve got the right demeanor to teach, to enthuse, and to support learner fliers then you might like to consider broadening your flying skills, and helping others achieve their dream of flying. Not only is teaching a great way to pass on your knowledge but your own flying skills will also improve as you work through the best way to convey complex matters to novices.

GoFly Aviation offers the chance to become an RAAus flying instructor, by studying part-time or full-time. With over 5,000 hours of flight experience amongst our own Instructors, we’re well placed to help you advance to the next stage.

Achieving your RAAus Instructor Rating opens new opportunities for you as an aviator.  Not only can you earn money in the aviation industry, but you get to fly more often and become a valuable part of a flying business.

At GoFly we have filmed all our board briefings and in-flight patter, for you to watch in the comfort of your own home (or listen to while driving to the hangar!). Our instructor candidates will receive a Premium Subscription to GoFly Online as part of their tuition and it is available for others to purchase. This will speed up your learning. 


  1. RAAus Pilot Certificate & Class 2 Medical Certificate
  2. Cross Country Endorsement
  3. Passenger Endorsement
  4. Minimum flying hours are 150 hours total time (including 100 hours total command, of which 25 hours must be in command of a recreational aircraft)

We are able to test our Instructor candidates in house without bringing in an outside examiner.  We only accept a limited number of applicants for RAAUs Instructor Training each year. To discuss the price of tuition and to tailor a customised course to suit your availability, call our Chief Pilot on 0426 282 226, or email

Converting Applicant: from CPL or RPL back to RAAus

If you already have your RP/PPL or CPL and wish to obtain your recreational licence, we can help you.  If enrolling with us to do your Converting Pilot training, you will need to: 

(1) join RAAus as a full member; 

(2) do a minimum of five hours with an instructor ($365/hr);  

(3) do a flight check with a CFI; 

(4) do the Converting Pilot multiple choice exam (and possibly the pre-solo exam). You can download the Sling Pilot Operating Handbook here. You can download our Sling workbook here. We will give you free access to our online theory books and practice exams here.

You should also take a look at this page of the RAA website and download this booklet, then contact us at to book in for a chat or for your converting pilot training.


Optional Extra: Aerobatics

To move around while viewing this 360-degree video, use your mouse or cursor.

At GoFly, we believe that students should incorporate some Aerobatics into their training to become better pilots.

After students have completed their Recreational Pilot Certificate and Cross Country training, we recommend students complete either a basic ‘Upset recovery’ training course or a ‘Basic Aerobatic’ course. Not only will completing an aerobatics course make you a better pilot but it is a lot of fun! Whether you are flying for fun or a career, aerobatic flying will increase your confidence and make you a better pilot. Sunshine Coast Aerobatics School offers both part-time and full-time aerobatic courses and can create a course to suit your schedule.